
Mandate Pictures secures rights to The Day Of The Triffids

Mandate Pictures have fought off Warner Brothers to acquire The Day of the Triffids with Sam Raimi attached to direct.

It was known that previous right holder's, producers Michael Preger and Don Murphy, had shopped Triffids to studio's, but its eventual destination remained unclear.

According to reports, Mandate had been vying for the project in a joint venture with Sam Raimi's Ghost House Pictures, with the director revealing interest in creating his vision of a film that he cherished early in his career, referring to Steve Sekely's 1962 original.

Similarly, had Warner Brothers succeeded, they had a specific director in mind in the form of David Yates, who right now is busy finishing the concluding 'Deathly Hallows' chapters of the Harry Potter legacy.

So what have Mandate got? Well, they have acquired the rights to John Wyndham's novel which follows the story of Bill Masen, who after England is blinded by a devastating meteor shower, is the only man who can help save fellow survivors as the country is overrun by giant killer plants.

Interesting fact, you may have heard of the author before, as John Carpenter's 1995 classic 'Village of the Damned' originates from Wyndham's 1960 novel; 'The Midwich Cuckoo's'.

So, Raimi looks set to remain in 'horror mode' after putting the Spider-man franchise firmly behind him with 'Drag Me To Hell' in 2009. Yet, while the opening scenes to 'The Evil Dead' whirl around my head in regards to what Raimi could do with the material, it makes me pine for something that is just Raimi and not something from half-a-century ago.

Lets here some thoughts.

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